Sunday, August 30, 2009

now selling on etsy!

Yay! another accomplished weekend. Finally posted items for sales on etsy and made my first sale already. Boy, it was actually more work than I thought...

this is actually my favorite... after finishing it, almost have second thoughts to sell it.

more lacey- earrings.

And more items on my etsy shop.


  1. Jasmin, this is Ngoc. We used to tutor together at the LSC. I got your blog through your fb profile and OMG i didn't know you were so crafty. I love craft blogs like these. Definitely bookmarking you. Love the lace necklace. So creative!

  2. Hi Ngoc!! Yes, I remember you and our times at the LSC. How have you been??? thanks for the lovely msg!

  3. I've been doing well. Just back at home, working, etc. I dabble in some knitting and crocheting too but my work is definitely not as creative as your jewelry. Don't think I'll be selling mine anytime soon but it's a great hobby! Hope you've been doing well! I miss the good ole LSC days!



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